Welcome to Synth Eastwood. We curate and produce creative events and projects here, there and everywhere.

Der Teufel steckt im Detail
February 24, 2011 by Al
Der teufel steckt im detail. – The devil is in the detail.
To coincide with our Cycles Show going live today, we have featured an artist that kindly took part in the 2008 show. Hailing from Heidelberg, Germany and armed with an array of black pens, we present Heiko Windisch – Illustrator extraordinaire.
His shiny website is well worth putting the kettle on for. Stand out sections include a page where he shows his illustration process step-by-step (really worth looking at) and his designated GIF page (an SE favourite).
Also worth checking out is his talented wife Lilly Piri. These two have the makings of some very gifted children.