Syntherview 01: Chris Judge

Where are you right now?
Would you believe, I’m in Dublin. The Northside now.
What do you do?
I’m an illustrator and more recently an author of children’s picture books which I write and draw.
Whats the cleverest thing you’ve done?
I guess I’ll have to say
Whats the stupidest/cringeyest thing you’ve done?
The stupidest/cringyest job I’ve worked on was painting the “Creation of Adam” scene from the Sistine Chapel in a toilet in this weird house when I was in college. It was a perfect replica except Adam was Dave Mustaine and God was James Hetfield, and done in the style of The Simpsons. Dreadful.
Whats the proudest thing you’ve done?
I think the proudest thing I’ve done so far is getting my book published by Andersen Press this year. It was one of the happiest days of my life when I got the email saying that they would like to publish it.
Your desert island album and why?
My desert island album would have to be the best of Guided by Voices. Or probably my own best of which contains 176 songs out of there 1500 or so songs. I don’t know any other band where I constantly hear new amazing songs from albums I’ve owned and loved for years.
If you could have dinner with 4 people from the history of the world who and why?
Robert Pollard, Spike Milligan, Tom Crean and Will Self. I initially thought Tom Crean would be boring and was about to swap him for William Shatner but I remembered hearing he was hilarious and great craic. I’m sure it would be a boozy affair.
What idea did you wish you’d have come up with?
Maybe invent the bicycle? If no one had ever seen one before and I showed up a barbecue I would love to see people’s reactions to me whizzing around the garden on a racer.
One piece of advice for newbies to your field?
For anyone getting into illustration my advice would be take your time! And if you’re really passionate about it, work as hard as you can and don’t try and define your style too quickly as it will happen gradually. That used to frustrate me no end but now I just enjoy experimenting and exploring new styles and techniques. Also, keep a sketch book with and draw in it constantly.
If you could do one thing to improve the country you live in what would it be?
Lots and lots more bicycle paths all over the country including one continuous one around the entire coast.
How would you like to be remembered?
As the first Man on Mars but I have a feeling that won’t happen.
Find out more at www.chrisjudge.com
- 25.04.13
- 25.09.12