Welcome to Synth Eastwood. We curate and produce creative events and projects here, there and everywhere.

Blog MiniMixes
MiniMix 12: Jape Date: 03.08.11 This weeks guest minimixer is Dublin based multi-interbandulist Richie Egan (Jape – Visionair – The Redneck Manifesto). With the release of the single ‘Hands of Fire‘ at the end of May Jape threw down the fiery gauntlet and set in motion the wheels that will deliver his latest work to the hearts and minds of the musically attuned masses. With the next single ‘You make the Love‘ set for release later this month, the latest album ‘Ocean of Frequency‘ due at the end of September and a full Irish tour in tow, expect to be hearing lots of fresh sounds from the Jape corner of the musical universe over the next few months. Full tracklisting here |
MiniMix 11: Shit Robot Date: 26.07.11 Today’s guest mix is from the incomputable Shit Robot aka Marcus Lambkin. Since early 2011 Marcus has been touring his live audio visual spectacular with SEs very own Charlie Doran on the ocular controls, hence our unfettered access to request a contribution. In this mix Marcus consults his back up files and pays homage to one of his biggest musical influences, Andrew Weatherall, as he takes us on a journey back in time, but not that far, through some of Weatheralls early classics. Take it away Mr. Robot. Full tracklisting here |
MiniMix 10: Toby Kaar Date: 30.06.11 Minimix 10 comes from a very accomplished newcomer, Cork producer Toby Kaar. It provides a sweet insight into the music that influences his personal brand of down-tempo and up-tempo electronica. Modestly in his own words “This mix is pretty much a testament to my inability to DJ”. After hearing the span of his own tracks on Soundcloud and seeing him play them live I don’t think anyone will be worrying about his DJing. Full tracklisting here |
MiniMix 09: GoBang Date: 10.06.11 This weeks MiniMix has been put together by GoBang founder Lady Maggotbeard (aka Eoin Wickham). GoBang is a monthly night that takes place upstairs in Anseo on Camden Street on the second Saturday of every month playing all the hits from Steely Dan to Oneohtrix Point Never and everything in between. The next GoBang takes place on Saturday 11th June from 8.30pm. FREE ADMISSION. Full tracklisting here |
MiniMix 08: I Am The Cosmos Date: 03.06.11 This weeks minimix has been whipped together by Cian Murphy from Dublin band I Am The Cosmos. For the last while the duo of Ross Turner and Cian have been switch flickin’, guitar lickin’, into the groove clickin’, and to the man stickin’ the sounds that’ll form the basis of their debut release. Although no dates have yet been set for this you can check out their soundcloud for some sound proof of what’s to come. Also worth date making in the calender is their first live show with fellow new comers Lasertom & The Blast Crew in Twisted Pepper on Saturday 13th of August. Full tracklisting here |
MiniMix 07: Lil’Dave Date: 27.05.11 This weeks Minimix is coming from Lil’Dave aka Dave Redmond. A Nightflight resident and promoter who has played his wares on most sound systems in the country not to mention a host of foreign engagements that would impress even Michael Palin. Dave’s trademark style mixes multi-genres together into party-friendly patchwork. Today however, presumably building on the recent successful state visits he has gone for a specific theme…Take it away Daithí. Full tracklisting here |
MiniMix 06: Hollywood Babylon Date: 27.04.11 Hollywood Babylon is Dublin’s new Midnight Movie Film Club. It begins this Saturday (30th April) in Block T and will run fortnightly until October 2011. The night is devoted screening “disreputable” movies. Roughly speaking, movies best seen after Midnight, in company and with beer. The night will play host to curated guest screenings, re-imagined film posters by some of our favourite artists and designers, BYOB, intervals, trashy trailers, cigarette girls and a whole lot more. The first screening will be Hausu (1977). Probably the craziest Japanese haunted house horror ever! Full tracklisting here |
MiniMix 05: Goodtime Date: 27.04.11 It’s all coming up good this Good Friday as our guest minimixer is musician and designer Goodtime John. Goodtime has been kept busy of late recording and mixing his new album but has taken some time to give us a little insight into some of his favourite songs and biggest influences over the last year. Be sure to check out Goodtime’s original music on Soundcloud. Some real treats there Full tracklisting here |
MiniMix 04: Neil O’Connor Date: 27.04.11 This weeks Minimix is brought to us by Neil O’Connor aka Somadrone. Neil has had a busy 12 months which included releasing his 3rd Somadrone LP Depth of field, his second LP with The Redneck Manifesto all the while polishing off a PhD in music. Take it away Doctor O’Connor. Full tracklisting here |
MiniMix 03:Come to Paddy Date: 17.03.11 The third installment of Synth Eastwood’s minimix is proudly put together in the name of our Emerald Isle…Best served with bacon, cabbage and flowery buttered roosters. Hope you enjoy. Full tracklisting here |
MiniMix 02: Dave Darcy Date: 11.03.11 The only other idea I had starting this mix was to finish on something big. Not being a dj and so often hearing tales of the epic ‘last tune’ I sort of wanted to see what all the fuss was about! This song isn’t just big – it’s monumental… well, in my head anyway. It’s seems so simple, at least in terms of it’s constituent parts – but it builds and builds and builds and by the time the cymbal crashes arrive I’m almost always on my feet. Full tracklisting here |
MiniMix 01: Simon Cullen Date: 18.02.11 Welcome to the first of Synth Eastwood’s 30 minute minimixes. The idea is simple. Every couple of weeks or so we will invite someone to make a mix or pick a playlist of songs they would like to share. Songs to work to, songs to cry to, songs to get hubba hubba to. In addition to this we will be asking each guest DJ to write a little about the songs they’ve chosen and any golden nuggets on the artists they find interesting. First up to pleasure your ears is Synth Eastwood’s Simon Cullen. Full tracklisting here |