Minimix 15: Conor & David
Number 15 in Synth Eastwood’s minimix series has been tenderly compiled by Dublin based design duo Conor and David. We have been big fans of their visual offerings over the years and it’s a pleasure to hear them now in audio format. Take it away gents.
“Thanks for asking us to do this mix, it has been a lot of fun. Trying to get across a sense of the music we play in the studio was tricky. There are many tunes we would listen to that would be too anomalous to shoehorn into a mix. Yet more came about with the express involvement of either Daryl Hall and John Oates, and it would be wrong to try and capture their magnificence in just 30 minutes. What we ended with is a coherent series of songs that we both regularly enjoy, kindly assembled into a mix by my brother Patrick Wall of Lamont/Bailey/Wall.“
Track 1
Shadows on Stars: Why Wait…
This is the newest track on here; noticed on the video trailer for the “Moral Tales” edition of Letter to Jane magazine.
Track 2
Caribou: Niobe
Conor has been into Caribou (Manitoba) for years. I only woke up to their brilliance at Forbidden Fruit earlier this summer.
Track 3
Lamont / Bailey / Wall: Graceland
My passion for drivetime classics knows no bounds. Some might call it a sickness. This is as close as I would allow myself; a great cover of a great song.
Track 4
Jape: I Spend Too Much Time At Conferences
I’m excited about the new Jape album which is out in a few weeks. This is probably the first Jape song either of us heard — on the ‘Kicking Against…’ compilation way back in 2002.
Track 5
Linear Movement: Way Out of Living
This is a true gem from the minimal synth-pop era — razor sharp synths playing off against a gravity-defying bassline.
Track 6
Cornelius: Brazil
In the computer room in NCAD – where Conor and myself first worked together – Cornelius was always a popular choice. Like much of his work it’s simultaneously immediate and unusual. Am I talking about Cornelius or Conor? You decide.
Track 7
The Beach Boys: ’Til I Die (Alternate Mix)
It would be a stretch to describe any song from the Beach Boys as a rarity. This is relatively close to being that: a spooky and wonderful mix that never made it to an album.
Track 8
Eddie Holman: Four Walls
Eddie Holman is the king of falsetto. Google “Hey There Lonely Girl” if you don’t believe me. Four Walls is both a colossal tune to close the mix, and a great introduction to his work.
If you would like to listen to other mixes in the series. Click here.
If you hate streaming you can download here.