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Quiero Presentarle MindSnacks!

January 18, 2011 by Karl

Late last year I finally joined the smartphone revolution by signing myself up to an iPhone 4. Like most people I fell in love with the world of apps and downloaded anything and everything that caught my eye. Police scanners, camera effects, football games and music samplers filled every bus trip, toilet break (sorry) and mass service.

So when the New Year started I made a resolution to dump all these time wasting apps and just keep the important/productive ones.

Another way overdue resolution of mine was to finally try and learn Spanish. I’ve made a few attempts before with books and CDs but have always lost patience and interest. Unfortunately in a way I think my attention span might now be app sized.

Luckily for me then I recently came across MindSnacks… an app for learning Spanish!. What makes it different from other language apps is that it uses engaging games and timed puzzles to make learning feel very free flowing and instinctual. I was genuinely shocked by how much Spanish I learned within my first few games/lessons. And I’m still going strong.

Feel free to recommend any productive/worth while apps you’ve tried. Or if you give Mindsnacks a whirl let us know what you made of it.

    About This Blog

    We started this blog in early 2011 to reflect the different events, ideas and projects that interest and influence Synth Eastwood. Please mail blog@syntheastwood.com with any content you think might interest Synth Eastwood. Everything is welcome.

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    For our Minimix Series we ask creatives of all disciplines to select 30 minutes of music for your listening pleasure. Music to dance to, music to work to, music to get hubba hubba to. So far we've had some amazing mixes from folk like Jape, Shit Robot, Conor & David and Toby Kaar. A lot more to follow too. Click above to tune in.