Finally a Game for Kerning
Todays post goes out to all those graphic designers guilty of an obsession with kerning* and their friends disbelief of that obsession. If you want to piss off a true type-fan all you must do is place large strips of uneven daylight between otherwise delicious type characters, then ask them what they think of it.
Kerntype is a game from Method of Action that urges designers to put their money where their mouth is and non-designers to join the kerners anonymous queue. You will be confronted with a selection of poorly kerned words in a variety of fonts and asked to remedy the situation. Your attempt will be compared to the agreed best outcome and marked accordingly.
Good luck and god speed. Post your scores below for gloating sake.
* In typography, kerning is the process of adjusting the spacing between characters in a proportional font, usually to achieve a visually pleasing result.