Redesign, Remould, Recycle with KK Outlet.
Dominic Wilcox + Paint Brushes = Coat Hooks
In this modern world we tend to buy new objects as opposed to make or mend old ones. English group KK Outlet curate a playful but clever exhibition that may inspire you to think otherwise. The KK Outlet “challenged a group of leading artists, designers and stylists to take an everyday object, remould, rebuild and repurpose it to create an entirely new item using as little additional materials as possible.”
The point of the exhibition is not only to show our potential to recycle everyday objects but also to highlight “how we think differently when we work with our hands and how physical interaction creates new ideas over and above working through concepts on screen.” The exhibition Object Abuse is part of London Design Week, details can be found here.
Wilfrid Wood + Bicycle Handlebars = Chandelier
Deadgood + For Sale Signs = Bird Box
Chrissie Macdonald + Chop Sticks = Stilts for Mice
Emma Morton + Salt & Pepper Shakers = Egg Timer