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I Wish This Was

May 11, 2011 by Karl

Saw this on GOOD this morning and though I’d share it. A really nice community project by Candy Chang that gives the public an opportunity to address all the empty shops and broken buildings in their neighbourhoods. By simply filling out a sticker, entitled ‘I Wish This Was…’, and sticking it to an empty building or shop, a local person can suggest a use for the premises that is more valuable to and in demand by the immediate community. Likewise broken or faulty public amenities can be highlighted.

Originally devised for use in New Orleans, the campaign and stickers can be applied to any city (full details right here). I hope they have enough for a small country in western Europe.

    About This Blog

    We started this blog in early 2011 to reflect the different events, ideas and projects that interest and influence Synth Eastwood. Please mail blog@syntheastwood.com with any content you think might interest Synth Eastwood. Everything is welcome.

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    Now Listen Here

    For our Minimix Series we ask creatives of all disciplines to select 30 minutes of music for your listening pleasure. Music to dance to, music to work to, music to get hubba hubba to. So far we've had some amazing mixes from folk like Jape, Shit Robot, Conor & David and Toby Kaar. A lot more to follow too. Click above to tune in.